25 Signs You Work In Higher Education Marketing
Our marketing agency works exclusively with institutions of higher education.
That means we’re fluent in a language our friends and family don’t always understand. We’re used to the world of higher ed seeping into our personal lives, including our dreams.
We have a mascot-heavy wardrobe that, when put together, would form the weirdest, creepiest zoo. And we love it all.
You too?
Here are 25 signs that you too work in higher education marketing:
1. May 1 is one of the most important days of your year. C’mon, deposits!
2. Whenever you see a teenager, you consider where they might be in the enrollment funnel. Inquirer? Applicant? 👩💻
3. A typical conversation at work could include HBCUs, OPMs, and CRMs. Oh, and what’s the plan for AMA and CIO?
4. “Yield” no longer means how many cookies you can get from a recipe. Unless by “cookies” you mean “enrolls,” and “recipe” means “marketing strategy.”
5. You are served daily banner ads from every school in the country. Hmm, maybe I do want an MBA?
6. Summer melt keeps you up at night. Don’t disappear, kiddos.
7. IP targeting accepted students makes you happy. Reach and frequency, baby. 📱
8. You see more college campuses per year than a touring comedian. And never ever leave without visiting the bookstore.
9. You’re closing out budget numbers in June. And your account team loves to say “fiscal.”
10. You have a preferred dining hall. And know what to get at the dessert station. 🍰
11. Seasons are no longer known as fall and spring, but rather Open House and Accepted Students Day. Reserve your spot now.
12. Your (or your child’s) bedroom is full of college gear from schools you never attended. Gotta support those clients!
13. Your biggest travel months are September and April. Leaves on trees 🙌
14. You ask teenagers and their parents what their college plans are and what their journey has been like. And what campuses did you visit? And how were the tour guides? Have you heard any radio spots?
15. You get defensive when you hear someone bash the liberal arts. The value is REAL.
16. Your friends ask you to explain their kids’ financial aid packages. Or how to use the Net Price Calculator.
17. Photo and video shoots have taken you on sailboats, in greenhouses, in cadaver labs, to celebs’ homes, and on study abroad trips to Rome. Tough work, but someone’s gotta do it. 📸
18. Your media team knows more about Snapchat than your nieces. Did you see what you can do now?!
19. You have piles of admit packets, viewbooks, travel pieces, and postcards lying around the office. And hanging up on the wall.
20. You’ve donated money to your alma mater. Because karma.🤞
21. The results of an A/B test are like a gift. I KNEW A would win.
22. You love all personas, but you do have a favorite. Undergrad, grad, non-trad, first-gen, International Isaac, School Counselor Scott, Military Molly…
23. You put more thought into the planning of your clients’ Open Houses than you did your own wedding. What if we did THIS?
24. You can explain the significance of the AACSB accreditation. And what it means for business students.🎖
25. No matter how many fascinating career paths and fields you learn about through your work—neurobiology, anthropology, textile design, data analytics—you wouldn’t trade your job for anything. Higher ed matters. 👊