Quick Takes: Jay’s Biggest Office Pet Peeve And More
One of the best parts of working with a small-by-design agency like CCA is that you’re likely to meet every single one of us at some point. And one of the best parts of working at one is being able to get to know our colleagues on a professional and personal level.
It makes the work more fun and rewarding, and it makes it easier to, well, bribe each other when necessary.
So here’s our first in our new Quick Takes series.
Get to know Jay Feit, CCA’s Director of Operations, in just a few seconds.
Your name & title:
Jay Feit, CCA’s Director of Operations
Your college & major:
University at Buffalo, Communication Design
How many years doing what you do:
Way too many. Over 35 years.
What you love most about working remotely:
Shorts and t-shirts. And the short commute home, which allows more time to be spent with my family.
What you miss most about being at the office:
Dan’s pranks. I also miss the camaraderie and banter of working with such a wonderful and talented group of people.
Biggest office pet peeve:
That’s easy: when DISHES are left in the sink!!! [Editor’s Note: No one does this, btw.]
Where press-checks have taken you:
To some very cold places, like Minnesota and Burlington, VT, and to warmer locations like Atlanta and Dallas. I’ve also been to the coasts of Maine and Massachusetts, to large cities like Chicago and Philadelphia, and to many printers out in the middle-of-nowhere. But I’m still waiting for that elusive press-check in Hawaii.
Is print still alive & well?
I believe it is! As much as I love all things digital, I also feel strongly about print and feel it’s a great marketing tool. I personally enjoy receiving, holding, and reading a well-designed marketing piece. I feel like I’m much more inclined to read it and spend more time with it, as opposed to seeing the same material on a web site. There are fewer distractions and it’s easier to stay focused on the material. When my daughter was looking at colleges to attend, I loved it when she received printed pieces in the mail—and she did too.
One way print has changed over the last few years:
Digital printing has really come a long way. When it was first available, the quality was not great. But now the color and image reproduction is good enough where most people will not notice a difference. So if the size, quantity, and other specs are a good fit for running on a digital press, then it’s definitely worth considering. Especially because it could mean significant cost savings.
Shoutout your favorite vendors:
I don’t want to play favorites. But they know who they are.
Best part about our office being in Troy:
The restaurants within walking distance to the office are fantastic.
What’d you have for lunch today?
Grilled wrap on a George Foreman grill: chicken, spinach, peppers, black beans, quinoa, and avocado.
Latest TV show obsession:
Last Kingdom and Suits. I recommend both of them.
How would you describe the CCA team?
Talented, Savvy, Organized, Driven, Resourceful, Creative, Stylish, Funny, Passionate, Cheerful, Knowledgeable, and Smart. I think I got everyone.